Jaipur. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has said that for a better sense of security to the people and control of crimes, the police should reach the site of incident without delay. He directed the officials to make efforts to ensure early presence of the police on spot by reducing their emergency response time. Presently, a project is being implemented in Alwar and Bharatpur districts, where the police would respond to any exigency by reaching the spot within 15 minutes. Later, this project would be scaled up in the entire state.
Shri Gehlot was reviewing the law and order situation in the state on Thursday. He directed the officials to reinforce the efforts of the police against organized crimes and mafia. He said that the cops should engage their resources and intelligence in taking on the mafia so that the people could feel safe and secure. For this, the police force would be provided all needed resources. Funds amounting to Rs. 70 crore had already been provided for purchase of vehicles for the police.
The CM reiterated on the state police adopting a policy for ‘free registration’ of FIRs and asked the officials to ensure that every complainant reaching a police station was properly heard and she or he faced no hurdles in lodging the FIR. He asked that the senior officers should take ‘non-registration of FIRs’ very seriously and if any such incident was reported, stringent action be taken against the concerned policemen.
In the meeting, Director General of Police Shri Bhupendra Singh said that the special units established for control of crime against women had been made functional in all districts. The overall crime control situation had been better during past few months as the police launched special campaign to take effective measures against the mafia and organized crime. In the month of January, number of road accidents too had declined, he added.
The officials further informed that, as per the directions of the Chief Minister, in-charge Additional Director Generals of various Police Range had started their ‘night halts’ in the respective fields. Promotions on various police ranks, pending for several years, were being carried out and the process would be completed in the next 2-3 months. It was further stated that the work of setting-up of reception centres at police stations was progressing at a fast pace.
Additional Chief Secretary Home Shri Rajeeva Swarup, Direction General of Police (Law & Order) Shri ML Lathar, Additional DGP (Crime) Shri BL Soni, Additional DGP (Intelligence) Shri Umesh Mishra, Additional DGP (Civil Rights) Shri RP Mehrada, Additional DGP (ATS & SOG) Shri Anil Paliwal, Secretary Home Shri NL Meena and other senior officers were present in the meeting.