Paris | During his first official visit to Paris, US President Donald Trump praised the beauty and charming figure of the first French lady Brigit Macroon, saying, “Your figure is very good. Trump told the French President’s wife on Thursday, “Your figure is very good. beautiful. The first American woman Melania Trump was also standing near Brigitte. According to CNN’s Reports, earlier, during the reception in Paris, Trump and Brigit Macroon shook hands with each other.
According to the Guardian report, many people on social media have condemned Trump’s remarks as “sexism”. Alex Berg, freelance video producer and author on Feminist and Sexual Issues, wrote on Twitter, Trump says to France’s first woman, “Your figure is very good, an example of men forgetting the difference between praise and sexual abuse. . At the same time, documentary producer and actress Jane Sebel Newsus tweeted, Mr. Trump – Women do not want to hear your unwanted comments about their bodies. It is extremely unfair. The White House, however, has refused to comment on this issue.